Важно преди да почнеш да четеш - не обръщай внимание на правописа ми,знам че съм зле!Не си тук за да ме оценяваш,а да се забавлявш и да наваксаш пропуснатото.Моля ползваите коментарите да изказвате своите мнения засега.Ще ги публикувамн ако са актуални,а и те по принцип се виждат от всички!

Ако имате някоя и друга супер прекрасна снимка/и моля линкнете пътя до нея или тях и ще ги публикувам.Инак ще бъдете с тея снимки които аз имам.


3 vida setove - i trite sa ekipirani ednovremenno  - toest neskto kato tri inventara na geroq  :
    -   HERO ekipment  : pokazatelite vliqqt na statistikite na geroq ot PVE i PVP sreda za bitki s li4no u4astie
                        na geroq.
    -   CAPITAN ekipment  :  pokazatelite vliqqt na statistikite kogato stava duma za PVE I PVP s u4astieto na
                        na armii. Kogato geroq e glavnokomandvash i nqma zna4enie li4nite mu fizi4eski statistiki.
    -   GLORY ekipment : pokazatelite vliqqt na statistikite za prestija i slavata na geroq vliqeshti za
                        iska4vaneto mu v ierarxiqta na imperiqta , li4nite mu kontakti , interesi i t.n.

   HERO ekipment statistiki :

                            - Sila
                            - Jivot
                            - Barzina
                            - Poznanie ( intelekt )

   CAPITAN ekipment statistiki :
                            - Taktika
                            - Moral
                            - Predvijvane

   GLORY ekipment statistiki :
                            - Char ( obaqnie )
                            - Kasment

                       - edno ot parvite neshta e da se opredeli rasata na geroq
                       - opredelqne na pola  :  maj ili jena
                       - izbirane ime na personaja
                       - klas oficqlno nqma, v zavisimost ot tova kakvo orajie polzvash digash razli4ni skilove i
                             taka geroq po kasno se opredelq kakav klas e nai veroqtno.Ako polzva staf - razviva
                             bufer skilovete : lekuvane ,bufove,slabi boini magii i t.n.Ako polzva me4 - razviva
                             skilove za mele : dmj,mas ataka i t.n. ako e s dvura4no orajie edni skilove,ako e s
                             ednora4no i shtit drugi skilove.Ako polzva orb ili kniga - razviva castar skilovete
                             : fire ball ,lithing.frost i t.n. Ako polzva lak ili arbalet - razviva archer skilo-
                             vete i t.n.
                       - izbor na naso4enost na geroq : dobar,losh,nutralen i t.n.
                       - izbor na rasovi ka4estva ( moje da vliq ili ne na vanshniq vid na geroq )
                       - razpredelenie na to4kite za fizi4eski i mentalni ka4estva
                       - izbor i razpredelenie na to4kite za obshti ka4estva
                       - izbor na polojitelni i otricatelni ka4estva ( moje da vliqe ili ne na vanshniq vid )
                       - izbirane na vanshen vid na geroq e ot vajnite neshta : shte stava ne direktno s izbor a s
                             davento na istoriqta mu.Kadeto pri poletata za piasne shte ima zadaljitelni izbiraemi
                             sektori koito shte vliqqqt na vida mu.(rasovite,polojitelnite i otricatelnite ka4e-
                             stva moje da povliqqqt na vanshiq vid )
                       - v dadeni momenti kogato s geroq otidesh nqkade tam shte proti4na sabitie i shte pita ka-
                             kav e izbora ti.Shte bade markirano spored predvaritelniq ti izbor za naso4enost na
                             geroq,no moje i da izberesh drugo.Kato tova direkto shte povliqe na naso4enosta na
                             personaja.Ako igreash sprqmo na4alniq si izbor polu4avash bonusi i razvitie v tazi
                             nasoka.Izbora ti na drug podxod ot parvona4alni shte promeni statistikata ti i shte
                             promeni geroq ti.Ako s predvaritelno zadaden dobar geroi izbirash postoqnoo loshi
                             deistiviq - personaja shte se promeni i shte se otrazi na cqlostnata mu igra.
                        Primerno :  ot dobar kadeto horata te ovajavat i ti se nosi slavata na po4ten i doblesten,
                             moje da stanesh nai izdirvaniq prestapnik,no za smetka na tova ve4e ovajavan sred
                             tamnite sredi. 

                       - v zavisimost ot izbora ti na resheniq i cqlostna igra geroq moje da poeme po nqkoi ot
                             slednite patishta na rzvitie : Patq na slavata, Patq na kravta, Patq na targoveca,
                             Patq na madreca.
                          Patq na slavata      : tova e izka4vaneto sred obshtestvoto v dadenata imperiq.Posred-
                             stvom tvoite ibori na deistvie geroq ti sabira se pove4e prestij i slava,koeto
                             go izka4va s stalbicata na blogorodnicite v imperiqta i mu nosi saotvetnite bonusi
                             i oblagi.Kato go zabarkva i v politikata na visoko nivo i vsi4kite tam uslojneniq.
                             Sashto taka kolkoto po izvesten stava,tolkova i po atakuvana cel ot tamnite sloeve
                             na obshtestvoto shte e.Geroq se slabi kato dobar, po4ten, doblesten i t.n.
                          Patq na kravta       : tova e kogato si slujish s nasilie i ubiistva da postignesh ce-
                             lite si.Sred tamnoto saslovie si uvajavan i se boqt ot tebe.Kolkoto po golqmo vli-
                             qnie imash tolkova pove4e bonusi i oblagi shte polzvash.No i konkurenciqta nqma da
                             propusne da te sabotira i da se opita da te ubie.Sashto taka i vlastite nama da
                             propusnat da te arestuvat i nakajat

NA vseki vdignat lvl geroq polu4ava 5 ( ili nqkolko ) tochki za razpredelenie na pokazatelite si i taka sam opre-
delq kakav pat da poeme - mele (str) range (dex) spel (int ).
V daden moment ot spel razvitieto geroqt razviva niva na magiite nad normalnoto i toga se stiga do polojenie
v koeto za da stane po silen razviva daden stil i prodaljava s magiite mu po natataka ,no nqma da moje da izpolzva
pove4e magiite ot protivopolojnata shkola,a namalq silata na drugite shkoli magii.V daden moment kato stane oshte
po silen shte ima vazmojnost da razviee sposobnost pak da moje da polzva protivopolojnata shkola magii,makar i s
namalen efekt.
Shte ima i znachenie broq i cveta na skil kamanite, koito polzvash po drexite si.te shte opredelqt i silite na ma-
giite koito polzvash ne samo s pasivnite si redove.no i ot tova kolko broiki imash ot daden cvqt i saotnoshenieto
mu s broq na kamanite ot protivopolojnata shkola!

Vsichki koito jelaqt moje da pravqt partyta bez znachenie skilovete im.No dali online ili ofline trqbva da se
opredeli koi da vodi grupata a drugite da sa si nastroili samo predvaritelno komandite.Vseki ot igrachite moje da
stane lider bez znachenie skilovete i levela. No ako igrach ima skila - Liderstvo ( vodach ) toi bi imal bonusi za
cqloto parti ako e lidera.A ako ima i spomagatelniu skilove togava shte moje da ima i dopalnitelni komandi za
partyto.Ako ima taktika - shte moje da promenq standartnata poziciq na igrachite v partito - koqto e prava liniq
i geroite sa edni do drugi.V zavisiomost ot levela na skila shte moje da komandva razlichen broi hora i da pravi
razlichni formacii.Samo lidera moje da vodi dokato ste v party,samo toi moje da kaje koga shte spre partyto.Toi
opredelq pochivkite i dali ako nqkoi e martav shte bade dignat i t.n.Lidera vzema i po golqm loot ot drugite,no
ako grupata pretarpi drugo napadenie ima nqkakvi taksi nqkade ili neshto drugo - to lidera gubii nai mnogo tochki
ili tam pari.
Vremeto kato metereologichno takova shte vliq na cqlostnata igra.Ako vremeto e studeno - to geroite v daden moment
shte izmraznat,shte se zabavqt,po trudno shte se biqt i moje da se razboleqt.Ako vali moje da se prostudqt sled
daden period bez da sq podsushat,shte vliq na ognenite magii i na nqkoi skilove.Ako e poroi shte prechi na pre-
dvijvaneto i boq,a ognenite magii samo nai silnite shte sa aktualni.
Movmenta na geroq e  :  konstanta ( rasoviq mu pokazatel za movment) +
                        promenliva ( Skilove i umeniq uvelichavashti barzinata mu ) +
                        promenliva ( vida na terena - raven,naklonen,stramen i t.n.) +
                        promenliva ( vremeto dali e losho i ako e takova moje da povliqe)
  vsi4ko tova do tuk opredelq : promenliva ( Tekushtiq muvment na geroq) koito se promenq vav sqka zona i v zavi-
simost ot vremeto.

       Nqkoi chasti na bronite imat razshireniq za dopalneniq.Tova sa razlichi vidove kamani,luspi magicheski,me-
talni i drug dopalneniq koito bixa podobrili svoistvata na predmetite ili daje bixa dobavili novi takiva.Moje da
sa magichesi ili fizicheski promeni.

   Tamni gildii : Gildiq na ubiicite , Gildiq na kradcite , Tamna gildiq na targovcite , Tamna gildiq na magovete

POMOSHTEN GEM : Usilen skok - to ima 3 vida skokove skok viso4ina,daljina - ot mqsto i s zasilka,skok daljina s
     uslojnenie (prepqstvie).Skoka viso4ina e baziran na silata,daljinata na brazina + sila za kogato e s zasilka
     ako e ot mqsto samo ot silata.Kogato ima skok daljina s zasilka + uslojnenie e kogato ima dadeno prepqtstvie
     nad 50 santimetra.( tova sa sluchaite kogato geroq iska da preskochi ograda,dadeno prepqtstvie po patq si,
     daje moje da preskochi i drug chovek i taka natataka).
   Otnosno kamaka podobrqvasht skoka : shte ima podobrqvashti dvata osnovni vida skok visochina i dlajina (drugiq
     vid e formula).Shte ima podobrqvash s tochni santimetri pove4e gem , a i takav koito shte promenq tekushtiq
     skok s procenti.Shte badat  postoqnno deistvashti,s iz4erpvane bez prezarejdane ili izcherpvashti s preza -
POMOSHTEN GEM : zashtita - 3 vida malak,sreden i golqm .malkiq predpazva samo dadenata 4ast na tqloto i ima shans
     da te prepazi ot ataka 20% ,sredniq pazi polovinata tqlo i shansa mu da spre ataka e 50 %,a golemiq pazi cq-
     loto tqlo i shansa mu da spre ataka e 100%.Tozi gem moje da bade za fizicheski ili magicheski ataki.
     Stoinistite s koqto namalq porajeniqta moje da sa bazirani na nqkolko varianta.Spira direktno koli4estvo
     shteta - primerno poema 100 dmj i spira da raboti ili pak moje da namalq cqlostno poetite shteti s dadeno
     kolichestvo - primerno vsi4ki ataki s 5 dmj po malko.Ima nqkolko tipa takiva gemove - ednokratni,prejarej-
     dashti i postoqnni.
                     Ednokratnite sa na broi poeti ataki ili na maksimalno poeto koli4estvo shteta i se chupqt
     Primerno kamak moje da absorbira do 200 dmj i seld kato poeme tolkova shteti se razpada i soketa pak e svo-
     boden.Ako e ot tipa da namqla s dadena sila atakite,to shte ima maksimalen broi na zashtiti sled koeto se
     chupi.Da kajem namqlq atakite s 10 dmj,no ima 20 polzvaniq sled koito se razpada.
                     Prezarejdashtite kamani sa podobni na ednokratnite s razlikata che sled kato im svarshi
     efekta ne se razpadat,a ostavat v soketa no neaktivni.I shte mogat da se prezarejdat s specqlno umenie ili
     v nqkoi grad pri nujniq maistor sreshto zaplashtane.Nqkoi ot gemovete shte se palnqt s mana drugi s life.
                     Postoqnnite gemove sa ot nai visok klas i se namirat nai trudno.tqxniq efekt e postoqnen
     bez da imat nujda ot prezarejdane i bez da se izhabqvat.mogat da badat onishtojeni samo ako geroq umre
     i to s malak shans .
                     Pri smart na geroq vsi4kite kamani imat shans da se schupqt s mnogo malak shans.toest pri
     tolkova golqmo naranqvane che geroq e umrql i kamanite po drexite mu moje da postradat chisto fizicheski
     i da badat schupeni.Samo nai redkite kamani imat shans da imat pokazate da ne mogat da badat scupeni pri
     smart na geroq.
     bqla       - normalna
     zelena     - podobrena
     sinq       - rqdka
     jalta      - unikalna
     oranjeva   - legendarna
     kafqva     - legendarna set

          DEISTVIE BRAK (svatba )

Ima 2 vida po lubov i po smetka.
 Po smetka - v nai blizkoto kmetstvo ili pri vseki koito moje da jeni.Polzata e che se otvarq oshte 1 obsht slot
v bankata.Zapochva da deli expa i golda mejdu dvamata dori i ediniq da ne e v igrata.
 Po lubov - trqbva svatbena ceremoniq i taka natataka. Otvarq oshte 1 slot.Pri smart i posledvashtato ozdravqvane
ili pri bolest postradaliq se vazstanovqva v % po barzo.Ako sa v parti dvamata poluchavat rzalichni bonusi.
Ediniq za ataka - jenata,maja za zashtita.Zadaljitelno e da nsqt halki .taka edin ot slotovete za prasteni shte
bade zaet.Kato minimum obiknovenna xalka trqbva da se nosi ili nqkakav magicheski svatben prasten ve4e koto si
namerite geroite - no jadaljitelno 1 slot za prasten tip brachna xalka.

Standartno 1 deistvie shte se vodi za 1 sekunda .Shte ima skilove koito shte iziskvat 2 i nagore sekundi v takava
sluchaa nqkoi koito ima za deistvie 1 sek ili po malko shte moje da izvarshi 2 ili pove4e deistviq za sashtoto
vreme.Sxvatkite shte zapochvat standartno na 20 metra edni ot drugi,osven ako nqma speciqlni obstoqtelstva :
zasada,kapan ili neshto drugo.
Ako sxvatkata e mejdu dvame meleta na chist teren bez zasada ot strana na ediniq,to nachalo na boq e na razstoqnie
edni ot drug 20 metra.
CHOVEK - 4 km normalnio xodene v chas
         1 m/s pri sxvatka  -  60 xoda ( 1 min intenzivni dvijeniq) i skorosta se namalq
         100 m sprint za 15 sek standartna skorost -

1 m            = 1 s
60m            = 60 s   = 1 minuta
100 m          = 100 s  = 1,40 minuti
600 m          = 600 s  = 10 minuti
1 km = 1000m   = 1000 s = 14 minuti
4 km = 4000m   = 4000 s = 56 minuti


      V nachalotto geroite po4vat 1 lvl i nqmat nikakvi umeniq.Postepenno s kachvaneto na exp i vdiganeto na lvl
te shte razvivat vsqkakvi umeniq .Nqma da ima izbor na klas ot sazdavaneto na geroq,a postepenno zavisimost ot
tova koi kak igrae geroq shte poluchava skilove i titli i shte moje da se speciqlizara v daden klas igrach.S vdi-
ganeto na lvl shte se poluchavat tochki za razpredelenie po fizicheskite pokazatelite i taka geroq shte izbira
osnovniq pat po koito shte poeme - sila ,barzina ili intelekt.Vseki vid orajie koeto vzeme geroq (stiga da moje
da go izpolzva) ima bazovi skilovi s koito geroq shte moje da si sluji za nachalo.
  primerno : mech 1 lvl bql - otkriva dva skila : zamaxvane i probojdane
             lak 1 lvl bql  - otkriva skil      : strelba
             bozdugan 1 lvl bql - otkriva skil  : zamaxvane i razbivane
             staf 1 lvl bql - otkriva skil      : zamaxvane i sabarqne
             kopie 1 lvl bql - otkriva skil     : probojdane i sabarqne
             noj  1 lvl bql - otkriva skil      : probojdane
             i taka natataka .......
Vsqka ekipirovka v igrata shte iska dadeni pokazateli za da moje da bade izpolzvana,a nqkoi shte iskat daje i
tocho opredelni skilove da imash ili daje daden klas na geroq inak nqma da moje da badat izpolzvani ot igracha.
Kolkoto po silno e dadeno orajie ili drexa shte otkriva bazovite skilove na klasa predmet i vse po silni skilove
i umeniq ,a shte ima i predmeti davashti unikalni skilove mojeshti da se polzvat samo s dadeniq predmet.
Po predmetite shte ima dupki(toest soketi ) koito shte badat zapalvani ot razlichni vidove gemove - aktivni,
pasivni i pomoshtni gemove.
     Aktivnite gemove  - tova sa gemove otkrivashti direktno novi umeniq sled kato badat aktivirani v nqkoi so-
ket na predmet.nqkoi ot aktivnite gemove shte imat iziskvane kam vida na itema kadeto mogat da badat slojeni,
drugi ne.Zatova aktivnite gemove se delqt na dva vida - nasocheni ( iskashti opredeln vid predmeti kadeto
moje da se slojat) i obshti ( nqmashti iziskvane na vida item ).
     Pasivni gemove - tova sa gemove koito vliqqt na pokazatelite na geroq ( str,dex , int,wis ,speed i t.n.)
Te se delqt na dva vida davashti direktno uvelicheni +1,2,3 i t.n. ili na davashti procentno uvelichenie
primerno - 2 % atak speed ili pak +1% str i t.n.
     Pomoshtni gemove - tova sa tezi kamani koito dobavqt nqkakvi efekti ili podobreniq kam veche sashtestv-
uvashti skilove.Primerno dadeniq skil da smuche life .da udrq oshte edin target,da moje da stunva i t.n.
Izpolzvaiki dadeno orajie i slagaiki tocki na saotvetniq pokazatel geroq postepenno shte pochne da se razviva
v dadena nasoka ( taka vseki sam reshava kakav shte bade) i taka shte pochne da si otvarq novi skilove i
umeniq razvivaiki se kam daden klas i zvanie koeto shte moje da pridobie.


  STRENGHT skil -
            Anger   -  Casts an aura that adds fire damage to the attacks of you and your allies.
            Cleave -   The character swings their weapon (or both weapons if dual wielding) in an arc towards the
 target. Also does damage to other nearby monsters. Only works with Axes and Swords.
            Decoy totem  - Summons a totem that taunts nearby monsters to attack it.
            Determinations - Casts an aura that grants armour to you and your allies.
            Devouring totem - Summons a totem that can consume nearby corpses. If you are hurt, it will destroy
 a corpse to leech life to you
            Enduryng cry - Performs a warcry, adding endurance charges proportional to the number of surrounding
enemies. Taunts all nearby enemies to attack the caster.
            Flame totem - Summons a totem that fires a stream of flame at nearby enemies
            Glacial hammer - Hits the enemy, converting some of your physical damage to cold damage. If the enemy
 is frozen and is on less than one third life, they will shatter when hit by Glacial Hammer. Requires a Mace or
            Ground slam - The character slams the ground in front of them with their main hand weapon, creating
 a wave that travels forward and damages enemies with an increased chance to stun. Only works with Staves or Maces
            Heavy strike - Attacks the enemy with a forceful blow, knocking them back. Requires a Mace, Axe,
Sword or Two-Handed Weapon
            Immortal call - Discharges Endurance Charges, making the character invulnerable to physical damage
for a short time, proportional to how many endurance charges were expended.
            Infernal blow - Hits the enemy, converting some of your physical damage to fire damage. If the enemy
 dies soon after being hit, they will explode, dealing fire damage to nearby enemies. Requires a Sword, Axe,
 Mace, Staff or Unarmed.
            Leap slam - Jump into the air, damaging enemies (and knocking back some) with your main hand where
 you land. Requires an axe, mace, sword or staff.
            Lightning strike - Infuses your melee weapon with electrical energies as you swing. In addition to
 converting some of your physical damage to lightning damage, the stored energy is released from the weapon as
projectiles as you strike, flying out behind your target to hit farther-away enemies. The projectiles cannot miss
 if the melee attack hit its target.
            Molten shell - Summons fiery elemental shields providing additional armour for a short duration. If
 cumulative physical damage prevented by your blocking or armour reaches a threshold, the shields explode outw -
ards, dealing fire damage to surrounding enemies
            Punishment - Curses all targets in an area, causing them to suffer some of the physical damage they
deal with their attacks.
            Rejuvenation totem - Summons a totem that has an aura which regenerates life for you and your nearby
            Shield charge - Charges at an enemy, bashing it with the character's shield while striking with a
 melee weapon. This knocks it back and stuns it. Enemies in the way are pushed to the side. This attack cannot
miss. Damage and stun are proportional to distance travelled.
            Shockwave totem - Summons a totem that shakes the earth around it, knocking back and damaging nearby
            Sweep - Swings a staff or a two-handed axe or mace in a circle, knocking back some monsters around
 the character.
            Vitality - Casts an aura that grants life regeneration to you and your allies.
            Warlords mark - Curses all targets in an area. Attacks on the cursed targets will leech life and
mana, and killing them will result in more flask charges and a chance to gain an endurance charge.

 DEXTERITY skil  -
            Bear trap - Throws a trap that damages and immobilises a single enemy.
            Blood rage - Adds a buff that deals Chaos Damage over time, while increasing Attack Speed and Life
 Leech. Killing an enemy while this buff is active refreshes the buff duration, and grants a Frenzy Charge.
            Burning arrow - Fires an arrow that deals fire damage to its target and has an increased chance of
setting it on fire.
            Detonate dead - Explodes an unused corpse, dealing fire and physical damage to nearby enemies
            Double strike - Performs two fast attacks on target enemy with your main hand melee weapon.
            Dual strike   - Attacks with both weapons, dealing the damage of both in one strike. Dual wield
 only. Does not work with wands.
            Elemental hit - A standard attack (with any weapon) that adds damage of a random element
            Ethereal knife - Fires an arc of knives in front of the caster which deal physical damage
            Explisive arrow - Fires an arrow which acts as a short duration fuse. Applying additional arrows to
 an enemy extends the duration. When the target dies or the fuses expire, the arrows explode, dealing fire
AoE damage to nearby enemies. The AoE radius is proportional to the number of arrows upon death
            Fire trap - Throws a trap that explodes when triggered, leaving an area of burning ground that
damages enemies who walk through it.
            Flicker strike - Teleports the character to a nearby monster and attacks it with a melee weapon.
If no specific monster is chosen, one is picked at random. The cooldown can be bypassed by expending a Frenzy
            Frenzy - Performs an attack that gives the character a frenzy charge if it hits. Frenzy charges
increase your attack speed.
            Grace  - Casts an aura that grants evasion to you and your allies
            Haste  - Casts an aura that increases the attack speed and cast speed of you and your allies
            Hatred - Casts an aura that increases the cold damage of you and your allies.
            Ise shot - Fires an arrow that converts some physical damage to cold on its target and converts all
 physical damage to cold in a cone behind that target. Creates a patch of ground ice under the target.
            Phase run - Makes you hard to see, and increases your movement speed. Lasts for a short duration or
 until you make an attack or cast a spell. If that attack is a melee attack, it deals extra damage.
            Poison arrow - Fires an arrow which explodes in a cloud of poison. Enemies in the cloud are poisoned,
 taking chaos damage over time while inside the cloud. Your arrows themselves also add additional chaos damage.
            Projectile weakness - Curses all targets in an area, making them easier for projectiles to pierce
and easier to knock back, while reducing their evasion against projectiles.
            Punkture - Punctures the target, causing a bleeding debuff. While bleeding, they take damage over
time based on how much damage was dealt in the initial hit. The bleeding deals more damage while they move.
Puncture works with bows, daggers, claws or one-handed swords.
            Rain of arrows - Fires a large number of arrows into the air, to land at the target after a short delay
            Split arrow    - Fires multiple arrows at different targets
            Temporal cheins - Curses all targets in an area, making time pass more slowly for them. They will
 move, attack and cast at a reduced speed, and effects on them will expire more slowly.
            Viper strike - Inflicts a debuff on the foe, which deals chaos damage over time and can stack up to
four times. Each time it is re-applied, the duration is refreshed. Requires a claw, dagger or sword.
            Whirling blades - Dive through enemies, dealing weapon damage. Only works with daggers, claws and
one handed swords.

            Arc  - An arc of lightning stretches from the caster to a targeted nearby enemy and chains on to
additional targets
            Arctic breath - Fires a frozen skull projectile that leaves a trail of ground ice behind it. It
explodes on impact, creating more ground ice and damaging targets within an area.
            Clarity - Casts an aura that grants mana regeneration to you and your allies.
            Cold snap - Ice crystals protrude from the ground at target location. Monsters in this area take
damage and become frozen. The cooldown can be bypassed by expending a Power Charge.
            Conductivity - Curses all targets in an area, making them less resistant to lightning damage and
giving lightning damage a chance to shock
            Conversion trap - Throws a trap that, when triggered by an enemy, converts that enemy to your side
 for a short duration.
            Critical weakness - Curses all targets in an area, making them more vulnerable to critical strikes
            Discharge - Discharge all the character's charges to deal elemental damage to all nearby monsters
            Discipline - Casts an aura that grants energy shield to you and your allies
            Elemental weakness - Curses all targets in an area, making them less resistant to elemental damage
            Enfeeble - Curses all targets in an area, making their attacks less effective.
            Fireball - Unleashes a burning ball of fire towards a target which explodes, damaging nearby foes.
            Firestorm - Flaming bolts rain down over the targeted area. They explode when landing, dealing damage
 to nearby enemies.
            Flammability - Curses all targets in an area, making them less resistant to fire damage and giving
fire damage a chance to burn.
            Freezing pulse - An icy projectile which has a chance to freeze enemies it passes through. The pro -
jectile fades quickly, reducing damage and freezing chance until it runs out of time and dissipates completely.
            Frostbite - Curses all targets in an area, making them less resistant to cold damage and giving cold
 damage a chance to freeze.
            Frost wall - Creates a wall of ice which holds back enemies. Targets under the wall are damaged and
 pushed back.
            Ice nova - A chilling circle of ice expands from the caster.
            Ice spear - Launches a shard of ice that pierces close enemies, before exploding on a distant enemy
with a much higher critical strike chance.
            Lighting warp - Casts a delayed teleport to a target destination. When the teleport occurs, lightning
damage is dealt to the area around both where the player was and where they teleported to.
            Power siphon - Fires your wand, dealing increased damage and granting you a power charge if an enemy
is killed by, or soon after, the hit.
            Purity - Casts an aura that grants elemental resistances to you and your allies.
            Raise spectre - Raises a spectral version of a defeated foe as a minion to fight for you in battle
            Raise zombie - Raises a zombie minion from a corpse, which will follow you and attack enemies.
            Righteus fire - Ignites you with magical fire that rapidly burns you and nearby enemies. Your spell
damage is substantially increased while under this effect. The effect ends when you have 1 life remaining
            Shock nova - Casts a shocking ring of lightning which deals damage to monsters it touches. Monsters
 in the centre of the ring receive no damage
            Spark - Launches unpredictable sparks that move randomly until they hit an enemy.
            Summon skeletons - Summons slow moving skeletal minions that decay over time. Does not require a
corpse to be consumed.
            Tempest shield - Enchants your shield with the power of storms, which lashes out to deal lightning
damage to attackers when you block their attacks.
            Vulnerability - Curses all targets in an area, making them take increased damage from physical attacks
and degeneration, and easier to stun. The target's energy shield will regenerate more slowly.
            Wrath - Casts an aura that adds lightning damage to the attacks of you and your allies.


Added Chaos Damage
Adds chaos damage to a skill.
Added Cold Damage
Adds cold damage to a skill, giving it a chance to freeze targets.
Added Fire Damage
Adds fire damage to a skill, giving it a chance to ignite targets.
Added Lightning Damage
Adds lightning damage to a skill.
Blood Magic
This skill is cast using life rather than mana.
Cold Penetration
The attached skill ignores some portion of the target's cold resistance.
Cold to Fire
Converts some of the skill's cold damage to fire damage, and increases both cold and fire damage.
Chance to Flee
Monsters affected by the attached skill have a chance to run in terror.
Chance to Ignite
Increases the skill's chance to ignite enemies when dealing fire damage.
Projectiles chain to nearby enemies as they hit their targets.
Concentrate Area of Effect
Reduces the radius of area of effect skills and increases their damage.
Culling Strike
Enemies die when they are reduced to 10% or less life.
Elemental Proliferation
Elemental status effects (for example, freezing or burning) caused by this skill also affect nearby enemies.
Faster Attacks
Increases the attack speed of physical skills.
Faster Casting
Increases the cast speed of magic skills.
Faster Projectiles
Increases the speed and damage of projectiles.
Fire Penetration
The attached skill ignores some portion of the target's fire resistance.
Projectiles fork into two new projectiles as they hit their targets.
Increased Accuracy
Increases the skills accuracy.
Increased Area of Effect
Increases the radius of area of effect skills.
Increased Critical Damage
Increases the damage bonus from critical strikes.
Increased Critical Strikes
Increases the chance of causing a critical strike.
Increased Duration
Increases the duration of the skill.
Iron Grip
Ranged attack skills have the strength melee damage bonus applied to them.
Iron Will
Spells have the strength melee damage bonus applied to them.
Item Quantity
Increases the number of items dropped by monsters killed with this skill.
Item Rarity
Increases the rarity of items dropped by monsters killed with this skill.
Causes damage from the skill to also knock enemies back.
Life Gain on Hit
Restores players life when they hit an enemy.
Life Leech
Restores players life based on damage dealt to enemies.
Lightning Penetration
The attached skill ignores some portion of the target's lightning resistance.
Mana Leech
Restores players mana based on damage dealt to enemies.
Melee Damage on Full Life
While you're on full life, melee skills deal increased damage.
Melee Physical Damage
Increases melee physical damage dealt.
Minion Damage
Increases damage done by minions.
Minion Life
Increases minions life.
Minion Speed
Increases minions movement speed.
Multiple Projectiles
Causes additional projectiles to be fired by projectile skills.
Gives projectile skills a chance to pierce their target and hit additional targets.
Point Blank
Ranged attack skills deal more damage to very close targets and less damage to farther away targets.
Reduced Mana Cost
Reduces the mana cost of the skill.
Remote Mine
Lays a Remote Mine that can be detonated to use the attached skill.
Increases the chance to stun enemies.
Summons a totem that can cast the attached skill.
Attached skills can be thrown as traps that use the skill when monsters move near them.
Weapon Elemental Damage
Increases elemental damage dealt by weapons.

                                                OUTWAR SKILLS :
               GANGSTER DEFENS            CLASS SKIL 
Empower ( 0 )
 You absorb a jolt of energy, making you stronger and raising your ATK by 50
Stealth ( 1 )
 You become quieter, tougher, and hard to see. Your HP is raised by 40.
Teleport ( Unlock at 15 )
 Summon a portal to send you to various places in Diamond City.
On Guard ( Unlock at 15 )
 You never tire. Your strength cannot be stolen in battle.
Vitamin X ( Unlock at 25 )
 You inject yourself with the mysterious Vitamin X. Intense power flows swiftly through your veins.
 Your ATK is raised by 50 and Crit by 1.
Fortify ( Unlock at 30 )
 You set up a defensive position in the streets of Diamond City.
 This raises your HP by 40 and BLOCK by 1.
Street Smarts ( Unlock at 35 )
 Your experience can not be stripped


Accurate Strike ( Unlock at 20 )
 Your eyesight becomes sharp and precise. Your movements become error less. Increase Critical hit percent by 1.
Boost ( Unlock at 20 )
 You grow to an enormous size, intimidating all challengers. You gain +10 ATK, +50 HP vs DC mobs.
Protection ( Unlock at 20 )
 A shield of glowing energy surrounds your skin, melee attacks bounce off you. Increase block by 1 vs DC mobs.
Swiftness ( Unlock at 25 )
 Your hands become stable and capable of moving at great speeds. You and your weapon are one. You gain 100% CRIT for the next 6 DC attacks.
Dark Strength ( Unlock at 25 )
 You become thirsty for battle. Each successful attack only makes you stronger.
 Strength gained from attacks is increased by 1.
Haste ( Unlock at 25 )
 Your actions become lightning fast, time speeds up with your every move.
 Respawn times on DC mobs are reduced by 5%.
Masterful Looting ( Unlock at 30 )
 You become skilled in the art of pick pocketing and thievery. You gain 5% more XP from DC mobs.
Circumspect ( Unlock at 30 )
 Your heart beat steadies. You become careful, and alert when attacking your targets.
 Rage costs of mobs in DC are lowered by 5%
Bloodlust ( Unlock at 35 )
 Your eyes turn black and you become consumed with anger and rage. +50 ATK, and minus -50 HP.
Stone Skin ( Unlock at 35 )
 Your skin hardens to a dull grey. Damage taken from DC mobs is reduced by 2%.


Masterful Raiding ( Unlock at 20 )
 You gain deep knowledge of your enemies moves and tactics. You receive 50% more experience from raid bosses.
Markdown ( Unlock at 20 )
 You become more focused and alert for battle. Decreases cost by 5% to form/join raids.
Last Stand ( Unlock at 25 )
 You enrage during the last breath of battle, dealing massive amounts of damage.
 If you are the last man remaining in a raid, you deal 2 times damage.
Strength in Numbers ( Unlock at 30 )
 Increase your crews chance to stun the raid boss. If successful, the raid boss will not attack in the first round.
You contribute 10% (of a possible 100% per player) to your crew's chance to stun.
Forcefield ( Unlock at 35 )
 You conjure a protective shield made of energy to protect you during raids. Reduces damage taken from raid bosses by 2%.
Blessing from Above ( Unlock at 40 )
 The gods grant you power beyond any mortal. You walk on a higher plane.
 During raids, your ATK is raised by 60, and HP is raised by 120.
Enchant Armor ( Unlock at 50 )
 Enchant your gear with elemental powers. Your elemental damage resistance is increased by 1%. (10 resist)
Executioner ( Unlock at 55 )
 As your enemy grows weaker, you grow stronger.
 You deal 5% more damage when a raid boss has less than 10% health.
Elemental Power ( Unlock at 55 )
 Enchant your weapon with elemental powers.
 Increases your elemental damage by 10.
Elemental Barrier ( Unlock at 60 )
 Enchant your shield with elemental powers. Your chance to block elemental damage is increased by 2% in raids.

                   GANGSTER DEFENS       AFLICTON SKILL

Hitman ( Unlock at 20 )
 You put extra effort into your kills when there is money on the line. Double strip players XP.
Uproar ( Unlock at 25 )
 You let out a ground shaking battle roar. You receive 1 Crit & 2% Rampage.
Killing Spree ( Unlock at 25 )
 You gain momentum with every enemy you slay. You receive +30 ATK & your strength gained is increased by 30%.
Ambush ( Unlock at 30 )
 You set up an ambush for all future attackers. You attack first, when attacked.
Poison Dart ( Unlock at 30 )
 You strike your target with a poisonous dart. Target takes 25 damage each time they attack you, or you attack them.
Blind ( Unlock at 30 )
 You cast a blinding spell on your opponent, turning his eyes a cold grey. Target player can not see your attacks made against him.
Circle of Protection ( Unlock at 35 )
 You conjure a circle of elemental energy to protect you in battle. Reduce damage taken in PvP combat by 5%.
Sunder Armor ( Unlock at 40 )
 Your attacks become so powerful, that your targets armor begins to break.
 You receive 10% chance to unequip players items after a successful attack for the next 10 attacks.
Vanish ( Unlock at 40 )
 You become invisible. Temporarily remove yourself from crew hitlists.
Time Warp ( Unlock at 45 )
 You gain the ability to travel though time. You may attack target player 2 times each hour.











            Life - 8,10,12 % increased maximu life.
            Life regeneration - 0,4 % of life regenereted per second
            Armour - 10,15 % increased armour
            ARMOUR MASTERY - 18 % increased armour  2 % increased movment speed
            TROLLS BLOOD - 1,5 grand % of life regenereted per second
            Flask life - 15 % increased life recovery from flask
            Enemi Critical strike multipler reduction - you take 15 % reduced extra damage from crit strike
            HEART OF THE GLADIATOR - + 30 max life  + 20 strenght
            DIAMOND SKIN - 15 % to all elemental resistances
 VSICHKI PASIVNI SKILOVE NA PATHX OF EXSILE - http://en.pathofexilewiki.com/wiki/Passive_Skills    

BOINI UMENIQ - tezi umeniq sa sposobnostite koito razvivash kogato polzvash dadeno orajie za napadenie razdelq se
na svoite podklasove :

Combat opita vsashtnost e skilovete koito digash avtomatichno kato se biesh izpolzvaiki dadeno rajie vkluchitelno
ako polzvash shtit.Primerno ako polzvash kopie - ti otkriva bar za exp na kopiq i pochvash da trupash tochi opit
na skil kopiq.Vsqko zamaxvane nosi 1 tochka opit kam dadeniq skil.Ako edna bitka e imala 30 rumda i samo si
mushkal s kopieto pechelish 30 tochki opit.Ako primerno 5 runda si kastval magii ,to shte spechelish 25 tochki
opit na opie i 5 tochki opit na magiqta koqto si polzval.Toest vsichko koeto polzvash v combat ti dava tocki
kam negovoto podobrqvane .Kato vseki sledvasht lvl shte iska se poveche i poveche exp.S vdiganeto na orajieto ili
tam koito skil polzvash shte ti otkriva kakto pasivni skilove kam nego ,taka i novi aktivni umeniq za dadenoto

                                                                        SPEL CRAFT

Tova ne e pravene na predmeti s magiq ,a dobavqne na magiq kam sazdavaneto na predmet s obiknovenoo
kovane.Kovacha trqbva da moje da ima umenieto da napravi dadeniq predmet,plust dostatachno skil na umenieto spel craft (toest obiknovenno kraftvane i magichesko kraftvane trqbva da ima) za da dobavi i vlaganeto na mana i magiq v orjieto i taka to da se promeni malko ili mnogo.S po visokoto umeniq v spel crafta shte se podobrqva magicheskiq efekt vlojen v predmeta.Na nisko nivo samo edin vid element s malko sila vlojena ot samiq kovach.Na po visok lvl shte pozvoli vlizvaneto na magiq ot drug igrach,na oshte po visoko nivo shte moje ot nqkolko igracha ednovremmeno edin vid element ili nqkolko razlichi po vid s cel po moshten predmet.Na razlichnite niva shte moje da izpolzva spel crafta varxu razlichnite chasti i kachestvo predmeti.Na malko samo na beli itemi,na po visoko sini,jalti i taka natataka.Na max nivo na legendarni orajiq shte moje da dobavq novi pokazateli.
 Primerno: kovacha s visok lvl ako sika moje da promeni legendaren item no s pomoshta na 4 ili poveche magiosnika koito da nalivat predmeta s magiq dokato toi go kove .

                                           QKA SISTEMA ZA UCHENE NA SKILOVE
Primernio kogato geroq uchi nqkoi boen skil ne prosto da shtraka tochka na tova umenie.Toi shte trqbva da otkrie koi da go nauchi na tova neshto i shte trqbva da prekara vreme v praktikata mu za da moje da go ovladee i chak sled tova da moje da go izpolzva efektivno.No qko shte e ako i primerno pri ucheneto na daden boen skil da kajem s nqkakvo orajie da ima nujda i ot ovladqvaneto na neshto kato seriq ili dvijeniq koito da go opisvat i taka geroq da go uchi uj.Primerno probojdaneto s mech za da bade naucheno da trqbva da mojesh da izpalnish dadena poredica ot klavishi bez greshka i chak toga veche geroq ovladqva udara - da kajem  :  posoka nagore - posoka nadolu za 3 sekundi max interval natiskane.Neshto kato mini igra da se poluchava.Taka ako iskash da stanesh maistor mechonosec za udar ot posleden rank - primerno blokirvane na udar i svetkavicna kontra ataka - da trqbva za nqkolko sekundi da napravish nqkoq slojna poredica ot  klavishi,koqto shte bade finalniq test che si ovladql udara(dadenata texnika da kajem).Pri neuspeshno izpalnenie na poredicata primerno da saobshtava che ne si minal izpita ili ne si ovladql dostatachno umenieto i da se probva po kasno sled pochivka ili sled oshte trenirovki.Kato povecheto dopalnitelni trenirovki shte pozvolqvat dopuskaneto na greshka ili shte udaljavat vremeto koeto imame za izpalnenieto na poredicata.Shte ima 2 varianta na tova obuchenie :
  -  ednovremenno shtrakane s tova koeto se pokazva
  -  parvo poredicata se pokazva ,sled tova geroq q zapomnq i izpalnqva
  -  kombinirano ot dvete
Parviq variant iziskava barzo shtrakane i deistavene momentalno bez zapametqvane - toest tipicnha cherta za voin.Po tozi nachin shte sa povecheto fizicheski skilove.Pri vtoriq variane e pomneneto na dadeniq red ot klavishi - napomqshto zapametqvaneto na dadeno zaklinanie- tipicno za magiosnicite.Poveceto magii shte sa po tozi nacin.No i pri dvata varianta shte ima skilove koito shte iziskvat razlicni nacnini ne samo ednoto ili drugoto,a moje i kombiniraniq variant.


                                             BOINA SISTEMA   

   Shte e bazirana na dva bara - adrenalin ( 100 ) i koncentraciq ( 100 ).
 Adrenalina e z pokazatelq ( mernata edinica ) koito opredelq broq fizicheski xodove koito moje da napravi geroq
predi da se izmori i da ne moje da se dviji.Grubo kazano 1 edinica adrenalin e edno deistvie ili 1 sekunda ili
edin red ot boini doklad - toest 1 xod.
 Koncentraciqta e edinicata za kastvane ma magii i nqkoi skilove kato pak za edno deistvie se xabi edna tochka
koncentraciq ,koqto e ravna na 1 xod ili na 1 sekunda ot boq.Pri spadaneto i na nula za geroq stva po trudno ili
nevazmojno da izplni adenite udari ili magii.
 I dvata bara shte se vazstanovqvat s vremeto ili s skilove ili s kolbi i drugi takiva namesi.Toest igraesh dokato
imash tezi barove.Kato se izcherpqt pochivash dokato saberesh nanovi nqkakvi tochki - po edin ili drug nachin.
Estestveniq nachin s vreme - Ako geroq zaspi nai mnogo , ako samo si pochiva po malko,ako varshi drugi deinosti ne
iziskvashti tezi tochki nai malko shte vazstanovqva.Tezi barove - adrenalin i koncentraciq opredelqt kolko dalgo
geroq moje da se bie ,no ako pravi drugi deinosti te ne go zasqgat - samo po bavnata im regeneraciq ako sa iz-
  Po golqmata chast ot mele poxvatite sa bazirani na  adrenalina.
  Pri strelcite shte ima pat za razvitie na adrenalin ili na koncentraciq.Adrenalina shte im dava atak i muvment
speed,i shte vliqe na krit silata.A koncentraciqta shte vliqe na krit shansa i tochnosta ,sashto taka i na balansa
na geroq .
  Magiite sa bazirani na koncentraciqta,daje adrenalina v maksimalni granici shte im prechi na kastvanetoi bazovo
vapreki ch shte sedqt i kastvat - xabeiki koncentraciq magiosnicite shte gubqt i adrenalin.
 Shte ima mnojestvo skilove vliqeshti na  adrenalina i koncentraciqta za vazstanovqvane i za kachvane nad maksi-
malnoto im nivo , a sashto taka i za po malkata im zaguba.
 Skil za kachvane na adrenalina + 10 nad normalnoto shte izharchi primerno - 20 koncentraciq i t.n..
 Pri magiite i nqkoi ot skilovete pak shte si bade nujna mana - no s kolbi i drugi skilove tq shte moje da se
vrashta mnogo barzo i tq ne e opredelqshta za maksimalniq broi kastove na magii ili boini deistviq - toest ne
vliq tolkova na maksimalnoto vreme koeto moje da se biesh.
 Priemame che v normalno sastoqnie geroq si mota i pokazatelite mu fizicheskite ne sa ot golqmo znachenie i
kogato zapochnat boini deistviq te se izpolzvat ,a v sashtotot vreme kogato geroq se zbie se aktivirva i
adrenalina i za tova na maksimum adrenalin geroq se bie normalno.Sled vseki hod na geroq staminata ili koncen-
traciqta mu padat.Do dostigane na  pokazatel 0 vsichko e normalno. No pri dostiganeto mu nastapvat promeni
geroqt moje da prodalji da se bie na pochva da tarpi fizichesk inakazaniq za adrenalin pod nulata i magicheski
nakazaniq za koncentraciq pod nulata.
 Pri adrenalin pod 0 - se namalq atak speeda ,movment speed,namalq se i bazoviq dmj i silata na kritichnite
ataki.Kolkoto poveche se natrupva otricatelen adrenalin - toest umora tolkova po golemi stavat nakazaniqta,
dokato se dostigne daden moment v koito geroq ne samo ne moje da se bie ,no ne moje i da se dviji i pada na
zemqta preboren ot umorata koqto go e zavladqla.Oticatelniq adrenalin se vazstanovqva po trudno ot obiknove-
 Pri koncentraciq pod 0 - se namalq shansa magiqta da udai celta ili da se sluchi jelaniq efekt ( dobavq se da-
deno uslojnenie ) ,uvelichava se iziskvanata mana i se namalq efekta i porajeniqta na magiqta.Kato v daden moment
dori i geroq da ima nujnata mana magiite shte se kastvat tvarde bavno i pochti bez nikakav efekt i prakticheski
geroq nqma i ne moje da kastva veche magi za dadeniq moment dokato ne vazstanovi koncentraciqta si.Otricatelnata
koncentraciq se vazstanovqva po trudno ot normalnata.
 Za momenta geroite shte imat nqkolko bara
    Jivot           - tova sa tochkite jivot koito ima geroq
    Mana            - tova sa tochkite mana koito ima i mu pozvolqvat da kastva magii
    Stamina         - tova e cqlostnata kondiciq na geroq koqto opredelq maksimalni broi neshta koito moje da na-
pravi predi da ruxne ot umora i da se naloji da pochiva
    Adrenalin       - tova e boen pokazatel nujen nai veche na mele boicite,koito opredelq maksimalnite boini run-
dove koito moje da provede geroq predi da se umori.Sluji i za opredelqne na vremeto v sxvatka gubi se po 1 tochka
na sekunda v sxvatka.
    Koncentraciq    - tova e pokazatel nujen nai veche na zaklinatelite,koito opredelq maksimalniq broi magii ili
rundove koito moje da kastva zaklinaniq predi da se umori i da e nesposoben da pravi poveche magii.Gubi se po 1
tocka na rund - toest p o1 tochka na sekunda.

Kak se poluchava vsichko : zapochvash parvi level i ot inventara si reshavsh koe ot orajiqta tam da polzvash.
V inventara shte ima mech,kinjal,bradva,kopie,staf i wand.Primerno geroq ekipirva mecha i tragva po sveta.
V momenta v koito nameri mobove s koito da se zbie shte zapochne da vdiga expiriens na samiq geroi i da kachva lvl ,a sashto taka i expiriens na orajieto koeto polzva - v tozi sluchai expiriens na mechove.Kogato vdigne dostatachno expirens za vdigane na lvl na geroq  se poluchavat tocki bonus za razvitie - 5 tochki za
razpredelenie mejdu bazovite pokazateli ( str.dex.vit.int i t.n.) a sashto taka i 1 tochka za razvitie na izbran ot geroq skil ot darvoto m us umeniq. Kogato sabere dostatachno opit s orajieto koeto polzva ( v sluchaq mech ) se vdiga lvl za polzvane na tova orajie ,